Saturday 4 December 2010

Working Rhythm

Good morning Dears,

Wishing you a warmer home than this!
It is a Saturday morning and am thinking, that after several weeks of continuous posting and setting-up blogs I should get into a working rhythm, meaning that my daily updates will have to be restricted to working days.

See, once in a while I need to DO a few things in order to write about it, and what better time to do that than the weekend. I still find that the day job tends to get into the way of things, then there is the training, which is a more boring part for most of you, so that doesn't really count - or better: it counts separately, and then there is the writing part of my day which I really enjoy. 

This only leaves the weekend to get some other projects rolling, like shooting some of my infamous videos, the sewing course which will start mid January, and of course the book writing and illustrating wants to be done. So I hopefully will make good use of those two days per week, and will only bother you with my random thoughts from Monday to Friday.

On this note I am wishing you a wonderful weekend, and see you on Monday

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